Friday, July 16, 2010

DAY 16

                "Peach and Company"
                6x6" Oil on Canvas 

Too hot to paint outside yesterday after lunch so I stayed in the camper and painted this peach-of-a peach and her green, potassium-packed playmates who were all snuggled up next to her taking a late afternoon siesta. She wasn't meant long for this world, but I couldn't bear to cut into her until I had captured all the reflections and shades of color (crimson, cadmium red and orange, and touches of yellow) on the velvety surface of her skin onto my canvas. (Dave had already taken the life of her next of kin) This was really fun to paint with natural light filtering in through the window onto the table top... all that remains now is a seed, may she rest in peace.

What amazes me most when I paint is the way I get swallowed up and vanish into thin air. It's like I have to become the object in order to paint it. Or, perhaps the subject is really just painting itself? I return to my body with the last stroke of my brush, or when interrupted by a curious hiker passing by wanting just a peek. I guess what I am really describing is contemplative prayer. 

I am posting early since we will be spending the day in local art galleries and at art shows, along with Mass at St. Francis Cathedral. However first I need to find some quarters and get going on the laundry. Woman's work is never done! 


  1. I love this painting...and not (well, not just) because it's food! Beautifully composed and executed, Nancy!

  2. This what I consider to be my most successful painting to date. I am thrilled that you like it to. Has little William made his appearance into the world yet? We're getting very close to D-Day. Keep us posted.

  3. Hi Nancy, how big are your paintings?
    I can't wait to get back to Santa Fe. You are making me jealous! :-)

  4. What you said remands me about the statue of the 'thinking' chimp studying a human skull...but is more like the painting of the two hands drawing each other...have you seen that one? speaking of paintings I won the drawing for the stormy ocean one that was over Nana and Papaw's couch! Very excited. Okay, thus ends my stream-of-consciousness comment....nice fruit!!

  5. Linda you are certainly right about being in Santa Fe. There is not another place like it in the world...very unique city. The sizes of my paintings are listed under the titles but it may be hard to read. They range in sizes: 6x6", 5x7", 8x10", 12x12", 11x14". Nice to hear from you.

  6. Hi son,great comparisons you made relating to my feelings about painting. You really get it!!! I am not surprised coming from a musician...I'm sure you must become the music when you play the base. Glad you got mom's painting...thanks for your comments.
