Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sweet Spot Rocker

"Sweet Spot Rocker", 30x20" oil on gallery wrap canvas
I painted this piece from a photo I took last summer in Naples, ME on the front porch of the Lakeview Inn where we were staying for a wedding. This was such a delightful place with the most  beckoning porch. I could have sat out there and rocked for days on end. Now that's relaxing at its finest. 

The reference photo for this painting wasn't the greatest as the chair was perched in heavy shade, so I had to take some creative license to make the chair, my focal point, look alive with color.

I can't figure out what category to place this painting in? There is a landscape backdrop, but the focal point is the chair? Would that be considered a still life? But, what if it was gently rocking from the wind? Would that make it a not-so-still life? I suppose if someone were sitting in the rocker would it also be considered figurative? To make this more confusing, this was a covered porch, so does that make it an interior painting? Any thoughts? Hmm? 

This piece is being donated to my church's Annual Gala for their Live Auction, so it isn't for sale, but wanted to share. 

Thank you for pausing to contemplate on the front porch.

To see more of my art click Online Gallery  Email  • Website  •  Graphic Design Studio • Fine Art America

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Quiet Light

"Quiet Light", 5x8", watercolor on cold press paper 

I painted this mini watercolor of the Madonna and Child to use on my Christmas cards, sadly, most of which never made it to the post office. I had great intentions but simply ran out of time. 

I've been having great fun working in watercolor again over past few months. I love the soft translucent effects and the looseness of the media which can say things I can't get with oils. My plan for the new year is to try and work in both watercolor and oil. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday. I am sending you my belated wishes along with wishes for a bright New Year. 

May Mary’s quiet light bring peace and joy to your hearts.

To see more of my art click Online Gallery  Email  • Website  •  Graphic Design Studio • Fine Art America