Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cana Can-Can 8x6"

"Cana Can-Can" 8x6" Oil on canvas
Click Here to Purchase

Miracle of miracles! Despite "exceptional" drought conditions, wild fires and record breaking heat all across Texas, imagine my surprise stumbling upon this thirsty can-can girl hanging on for dear life, like an Israelite lost in the desert of my scorched garden. From the time we moved into this house, some 20 years ago, I have had 5 ft. canas blooming from April through September expect for this year. With little-to-no rain all year, most everything is now shriveled and parched. 

I felt like a merciless butcher chopping off this young ladies long slender neck and beautiful red mane for my still life. Buckwheat is now dead...but no longer thirsty! LOL Looks like I'll have to start buying flowers to paint this summer.

I am offering FREE shipping this summer within the U.S. on all paintings in my ebay and  Etsy stores. These small paintings look great in groups of two or more, and add interest and charm to an entry, kitchen, bath, sitting on a bookshelf, or other small areas. 

To purchase online frames, check out the "floater" frames like those shown below. The paintings just gets glued onto it...super easy. http://www.kingofframe.com/6x6-Frames_c_22.html

Thanks for viewing my work. 


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